Friday, June 11, 2010

In the beginning

Since this blog is dedicated to my babies and my hubby too (since without him there would be no babies), I thought I would post some pictures from the first few days of their lives.  Not the gross ones that shouldn't even be taken, much less shared, but the sweet ones where the little babes sleep all the time - you know the moment before they start to sleep when you want them to be awake and then they are awake when you want them to sleep.  Oh the joys . . . .  but in all honesty it is hard to remember back to when they were this little and it was not that long ago. . . they are still 'little'.

Okay, so ignore how bad I look and look at little Bubba. . . so sweet!  This is our first picture together and probably one of only a handful since mommy doesn't like getting her picture taken!
And this is Bubba showing that even from an early age, all he wants is peace (note the fingers if you don't get my attempt at a joke).

Isaac Piper laying so peacefully. . . looking exactly like her brother.  At this point I think I was still in shock that we now had 2 babies under the age of 2. . . 16 1/2 months apart to be exact!

Here she is all ready to go home-thankfully we got to leave the hospital a lot sooner than we did with Bubba-there is only so much you can take on a tiny room, uncomfortable bed and nurses to help with everything. . . okay so the last part I could have used more of, but you get my point. . .I think.

Here is my crew a few weeks after Piper was born. . . . you will have to excuse Mark's tired expression-that's just how we look from then until they turn 18 and move out. . . I hope (for both-to not look tired and that they move out!).

Fast forward. . . here they are now!  Bubba is 2 and Pipsqueak is 8 months. . . . my how time flies.  Before you know it I will be posting their high school graduations! 

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