Friday, February 4, 2011

I'm so excited. . . and I just can't hide it. . . . I know, I know, I know. . .

. . . if you are still reading after that horribly annoying title I am either. . .

. . .honored that you deem my writing so magnificent that you choose to ignore the frequent occasional rare moments of immaturity. . . . 


. . .convinced you are a die hard Pointer Sisters (or 80's music in general) fan and figure I must be super cool to know that song!

Right?  Right?  Hello?


Anywho. . .moving on.  I really am excited today.  For some reasons I won't share yet (and yes I hate when people do that too) and for other reasons I will.

I am excited that today is Friday, my favorite day of the week.

I am excited that I am going out with Mark, my parents, and brother tonight to a movie and then appetizers.  NO KIDS!

I am excited that it is sunny and 30 degrees - I went out at lunch today with just my jean jacket (a cute, trendy one not an 80's one. . . so hush) on. . . and of course pants and shoes - sheesh!. . . I'm not that kind of girl!

I am excited that my baby girl is done with antibiotics and so *hopefully* this means diarrhea and diaper rash will cease.

I am excited that even though I have a headache for the 9th (or is it 10th. . . who knows) day in a row, they are not lasting all day every day. . .it's the little things, you know?

And lastly, I am excited that I live a wonderful life (I hope you read that in the most sincere, non-cheesy way possible).  I do not have a perfect life and some days (or weeks) are just plain yucky.  But I have an amazing husband, two great kids, great parents, siblings, church, etc. and I just can't complain about any of it!  At least not today! ;)

Have a wonderful Friday!


Unknown said...

I am glad it's friday...and you're weird (that's a compliment)

Robin Kramer said...

Truly, it's nice to see a blog that's focused on the lovely things in life, so thank you. And, ditto on the glad it's Friday comment.

Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier and commenting!

Christy said...

Ha! Thanks Joann!

Christy said...

Robin-thanks for stopping by and I try to look at the lovely things. . . there are far too many ugly things out there. . . like poopy diapers, dogs puking, moldy milk in a sippy cup from who knows when. . .